Here is a simple LEGO spinner – flame star. The flame star LEGO fidget spinner uses only 16 pieces. It is Spinner 4 in our Spinner LEGO Star Designs video. (The same video is also embedded below.) This is a simple spinner, with flames and horns to create a flaming star look.

Below is the DIY step-by-step video of our Fidget Spinner LEGO Stars. The stop-motion video acts as a tutorial to show 5 star designs total. Flame star (Spinner 4) starts at 5 min 56 seconds.
For an easy LEGO spinner made with technic gears, see our post here.
After looking around at our designs and other designs, we hope you feel inspired to build your own LEGO spinners.

If you like more complicated LEGO MOCs, check out our version of Boba Fett’s ship, the Slave 1, from Star Wars.
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