Star Wars Celebration 2017 Orlando was phenomenal. Star Wars cosplay, droids, toys, cars, LEGO …. all here and more. (Star Wars Celebration is the official name of the Star Wars convention. Many other fan events are called “cons” – this one is called “Celebration”). Fan-built BB-8 droids were out on the floor, along with many other droids.
Star Wars Celebration 2017 Orlando
There is so much happening at Celebration – it can be hard to take in. Video captures some of the flavor. Here is our Star Wars Celebration 2017 video.
The video was recorded mostly on the Exhibition floor and the Convention hallways.
The Star Wars fan groups have a very strong presence. 501st, Rebel Alliance, Mandalorian Mercs, Droidbuilders, the Diorama Workshop, and many more attend. Fan participation is a huge part of Celebration. Not only in cosplay, but also with many booth activities meant for families and to support charities.
The droids were everywhere at Celebration. Each day, a droid parade came through the floor. The Droid Builders had an elaborate and very fun display in the Droid Builder room. The droids added so much enjoyment for everyone, especially the new addition, BB-8. Take a look at our BB-8 post here, with photos and a link to our first Celebration video featuring BB-8 on the exhibit floor.
Mandalorian Mercs Cosplay
Mandalorian Mercs Gather at Star Wars Celebration
The Mandalorian Mercs were out in force. They had an interactive booth on the floor, with their vehicles and helmets on display. Here the Mercs are out in full Mandalorian armor after marching through the convention floor. Yet another example of great Star Wars cosplay.
Star Wars Celebration is great fun for the serious Star Wars fan. Professionals from Lucasfilm, Disney, and other companies participate in the panel sessions. You may get the chance to hear from Star Wars actors, voice actors. writers, artists, composers, technical professionals, podcasters, collectors … the list goes on. Star Wars Celebration is the Star Wars convention for fans. Presenters are the top talent in the Star Wars universe.
The next Star Wars Celebration

Star Wars Celebrations are held around the world. The next Celebration planned for the U.S. is scheduled for 2020. Go here to sign up for announcements.
We hope to see you at a Star Wars Celebration soon.

Thanks for checking out Star Wars Celebration 2017.
Thanks for coming by Toy Terrain.